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Spreading the Love of Jesus Ministry began on a Christmas miracle when I was only nine. A person went out of their way to bless my family. I recall that Christmas year like it was just yesterday. My mother had to work on Christmas Day, and she took us with her to help her cater to her boss's Christmas party. I remember my sister and I glancing at guests eating their Christmas dinner as we experienced hunger pain. We didn’t have any food at home, and mom didn’t have enough funds for groceries. As we were heading back home from work, in front of our apartment door sat two substantial black bags. My mom was she was shocked as she saw what those bags contained inside. Tears immediately ran down her eyes, knowing that God heard her prayers? I still get very tearful when I write my story. One bag had lots of food, and the other bag had lots of Christmas presents. I knew God was real and that He heard our prayers. I remember telling Him, Jesus, one day I want to do the same. I promise you. I want to bless people the way these people blessed us. To this very day, I don't know who blessed us that year. Because of their generous heart, they planted a ministry within my heart without knowing. Imagine how many other churches and organizations are waiting out there to be seeded in the hearts of the next generation? Let's change someone's life and be a ray of light and hope to the hopeless.
Spreading the Love of Jesus Ministry would be nothing without volunteers, donors, adopters, churches, businesses, and supporters who year after year go above and beyond. SLJM is blessed to have so many generous families, and we thank God every day for their involvement and dedication to make this ministry a success year after year. If you are interested in becoming a monthly donor please click into the GIVE section.
We are a small organization that relies on monthly donations to help families and homeless individuals.
If you know of anyone in need please call Jorge or Rosie Gomez at (415)851-7775 or submit a form online.
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